I am so excited! Monday October 22/07 my book The Lost Keys to Success and Happiness is finally finished and available for the world. It is the little book that could.
I am going for a lifetime goal of #1 bestselling book. Please help in me accomplishing this goal by purchasing my book at www.cafepress.com/thelostkeys. You can also get a preview at http://www.refresher.com/ceo.html.
In planting seeds you will reap a bountiful harvest.
Many people have traveled to Canterbury with a desire for spiritual replenishment
and rejuvenation. Fifteen lives were transformed by what they received on this
particular trip. They left Canterbury not only renewed but inspired.
If you believe it, you will achieve it!
A purpose in life is the only fortune worth finding; and it is not to be found in
foreign lands, but in the heart.
You have within you the power to transform your life…
You have the power to transform your thoughts and dreams into physical reality.
To become an expert, it takes practice… practice… practice.
Touching one life sends a ripple effect around the world
Take these keys, learn them, use them, and teach them and your ordinary life will become extraordinary.
many thanks Trenna Pennington