Vitalizing your mind with a burning desire will attract you to people who will be able to help you. Is your desire far above your present circumstances in life? You owe it to yourself and to the community in which you live to set a high standard for yourself. All great leaders base their leadership upon a desire or purpose. People will follow a leader when they know that their leader is a person with a purpose and who has the courage to back up that purpose with action.
If success depends upon power, and if power is an organized effort, the first step in the direction of organization is a defining purpose. Therefore a defining purpose is essential.
Until you select a defining purpose in life your thoughts are scattered over so many subjects and in so many different directions that they do not lead to power, but to indecision and weakness.
With the aid of a small magnifying glass you can teach yourself a great lesson on the value of organized effort. Through the use of such a glass you can focus the sun-rays on a definite spot so strongly that they will bum a hole through a plank. Remove the glass (which represents the definite purpose) and t
The same rays of sun may shine on that same plank for a million years without burning it.